Monday, 28 December 2015

Looking at thriller sub genres

This year as part of the course, I will be focusing primarily on the thriller genre, as well as creating my own thriller opening. So, what does a thriller entail?
A thriller could either be a novel, play or film; in which it should create suspense for the audience. After watching and analysing many thrillers, such as Momento, Black Swan and Shutter island; I noticed a reoccurring theme throughout - many people are very uncertain about the difference between the horror genre and the thriller genre; the real difference to this matter, is that thriller's convey a great aspect of uncertainty; we should be left at the edge of our seat- being led into the unknown. I noticed that the thriller genre has many sub genres- which include: Action thriller, Crime, psychological, science fiction and also religious thriller. 


An Action Thriller uses physical action to create suspense within the film. It is very similar to a traditional action film, as there will usually have continuous motion and action included, not to mention physical stunts, chases, races, and battles. The techniques used will contribute to the overall sense of danger that the protagonist is facing. In most cases there is a hero or heroine on a quest (to find the answer to something for example, or seek revenge) and it is critical that we sympathise with these characters. In most cases they become under threat and we held in suspense in waiting to find out if they will survive, and achieve their goal. Examples of this sub-genre are films such as, Kill Bill, The Bourne Identity, Die Hard, and all the Bond movies. These movies play out a battle of good versus evil, and even though we know good will win in the end, the films employ a wide range of action techniques to keep us on the edge of our seat. 


Crime Thrillers incorporate suspenseful aspects of a thriller however, the plot usually centres around a serial killer, murderer. manhunt or robbery. Crime thrillers are slightly different to any type of sub-genre as the story-line focuses around the criminal and the protagonist, and use both psychological and action aspects to create tension and suspense.  The quest is often to find the truth and bring someone to justice, which becomes more difficult and harder to reach as the films evolve. Agathe Christie's novels turned into so many TV series and films like the 'Orient Express', which is a classic of this genre. More sophisticated examples may include, Se7en, The Usual Suspects, The Fugitive, Jagged Edge, or tv series like True Detective or BroadChurch. 


In addition to the traits of a regular Thriller, a Psychological Thriller incorporates elements of drama and mystery film. This is my favourite type of thriller, as it allows the viewers suspense to come from the mind, instead of the psychical threat of the film. The protagonist must rely on their mental resources to solve the situation, which in some cases can cause confusion, and agitation.  Because of their nature, many Psychological Thrillers cross over into the Horror genre, and are often highly inventive and original. Hitchcock in films like Dial M for Murder, or Rear Window proved himself as a master of this genre. Other examples are Memento, and Taxi Driver.


Science fiction thriller incorporates hypothetical, science-based themes into the plot of the film. Traditionally, a Science Fiction film will incorporate heroes, villains, unexplored locations, fantastical quests, and advanced technology. These elements can be used in a Science Fiction Thriller to create anticipation and suspense. Often, this sub-genre will explore the “future-gone-bad” theme, including plots that revolve around alien invasions, dystopian scenarios, and super-diseases. Stanley Kubrick was one of the great masters of this genre, above all in 2001: A Space Odyssey, in which the computer changes from being a friend, to an enemy. Other examples include, Aliens, Inception, District 9.


Religious thrillers are a sub-genre that uses suspense, tension and excitement as its main elements. They often include religious allegories, questions and objects. Many thrillers include super-natural occurrences, such as exorcisms and demon possessions. The subject matter of this sub-genre tends to depict more gory and frightening images, which can result in the viewer feeling more scared, than feeling suspense which is typically associated with thrillers. A classic example of a Religious Thriller is the Exorcist, which shows an adolescent girl possessed by the devil. 

After analysing each sub genre of thrillers; I have come to the conclusion that I am particularly interested in focusing on psychological thrillers; there is something so compelling and enticing about psychological thrillers; in the way that so little information is given to us, yet we are so intrigued to find out more. 

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