Monday, 28 March 2016

Batman v Superman takes $424m at global box office.

Despite terrible reviews, Batman vs. Superman has outdone itself and made huge profits in its first five days.

It broke records for a March debut and it was the sixth-highest opening weekend in the US.
On Rotton Tomatoes dot com, the film received 29% rating from critics, with such bad criticism from experts you would think that it would turn people away from watching the film, but clearly not as it received a 69% rating from the audience and the fans seemed to love it.

Perhaps the concept of two superheros joining forces was one just two good to miss, despite the actual film not being that great. Or perhaps the saying 'no publicity is bad publicity' is applicable to this situation, i'm not sure, all i'm sure of is that Ben Affleck will be feeling better now than he did in this video after hearing about the box office takings.


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